Porn Star Pinky Candids

Hot candids of porn star Pinky! I guess we now know that her ass is phat as hell even when she isn’t sucking dicks etc. I still got love for her!

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Pinky candidsPinky candidsPinky candidsPinky candids

12 comments on “Porn Star Pinky Candids”

  1. Big T says:

    I’m just gone say it. She look like one of those funny built “little people” for real. She just don’t do it for me.

  2. Ken says:

    Yeah but thats the best she looked in a VERY LONG TIME to me she actually look like she lost a little weight. And in the words of Bernie Mac that azz is lookin nice REAL NICE!!!

  3. Jim K says:

    Sadly, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t hit.

  4. The One says:

    ☆☆ From me.

  5. Hunger says:

    @The One: Two stars? Oh please. :/ Pinky especially in these candids would be ☆☆☆☆.

  6. qstorm says:

    Pinky is looking good in these pics and she has lost weight. I would definately hit it.

  7. RapFiend says:

    Pinky,that ass never ceases to amaze me. I would love to hit that.

  8. Ron says:

    Pic #3, nothing but the real deal!!!

  9. BigHRD2 says:

    I love Pinky’s 45 inch ass, that’s real thickness

  10. rite aid says:

    she looks good, sorta lost interest after the weight gain

  11. BigHRD2 says:

    yeah Pinky always looking damn sexy

  12. Ed says:

    Nah man. I can’t fuck wit Pinky no more. She was hot until she doubled in size. She must have had a twin and ate her after she got famous. She crossed that thick to fat line a while back.

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