Mya Harrison got Thicker?

Mya Harrison was always sexy but I never really considered her thick.. but look at these candids of her legs, those are some seriously thick and sexy legs!! Is Mya getting thicker? Either way, girl is fine and I’d love to get those legs wrapped around my neck.

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Candids of Myas thick legsCandids of Myas thick legsCandids of Myas thick legsCandids of Myas thick legsCandids of Myas thick legs

7 comments on “Mya Harrison got Thicker?”

  1. Godson says:

    yes she is. thick and sexy

  2. Theone says:

    I’ve always wanted a piece of that. Please don’t gain any more weight because I don’t want you to mess up those nice and sexy legs of yours.

  3. Atl2Trill says:

    Mya always been a bad ass bitch.

  4. Jigrimasu says:

    I dunno, man, looks like edema, actually

  5. joe says:

    by “thicker” you really mean fatter….For those photos it looks like edema..perhaps she has some disease.

  6. Big T says:

    I’m not sure about that edema thing, her legs don’t look swollen to me, just thicker. She needed the extra weight always on the skinny side.

  7. Booty Luvr says:

    She is disgusting! In every sense of the word. From her goofy ass face, to those cottage cheese thighs, to her cankles fatter than her tiny head, to those big ass feet! She’s a disgrace and needs to wear skirts with steel toe boots.

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