Havana Ginger

I love me some Havana Ginger. She isnt very attractive but if you’ve ever seen any of her videos she can definatley fuck. She’s the kind of pussy you dont want every day but just now and then.

Pictures from: Black Booty Bonanza
Havana Ginger Havana Ginger Havana Ginger Havana Ginger Havana Ginger Havana Ginger Havana Ginger Havana Ginger

6 comments on “Havana Ginger”

  1. MARVELOUS P says:

    Nah dude. I would want that shit everyday!! Everyday!

  2. Common Sense says:

    Those aerolas scare the shit out of me… makes her tits look like two retarded bug eyes for fucks sake

  3. cherry says:


  4. BlackFilipina says:

    id like to stuff some heavy dick in dat ass

  5. mallie says:

    pretty nice tits long legs what is wrong with you people she is hot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. BOMBERO124 says:

    check out old videos before she had them done, they were floppy. alot better now.

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