Bria Myles and Natalie Nunn in Bikinis

Here’s Bria Myles and Natalie Nunn looking sexy as fuck in Bermuda! Like if being in Bermuda wasn’t amazing by itself, imagine finding these two at the same resort you’re at.. damn!

Bigger, harder, longer-lasting erections: VigRX

Babes in bikinisBabes in bikinisBabes in bikinisBabes in bikinis

7 comments on “Bria Myles and Natalie Nunn in Bikinis”

  1. Will says:

    It so hard to get a booty shot of Bria these days…all the latest pics only show the front!!

  2. fuzzybear says:

    they are lookin real good in these pics.Pretty faces and the bodies,oh my.However holdup,isn’t Nunn gay?What’s bria doing with her,is there something about bri I don’t know

  3. Hunger says:

    Ay guys check out Bria Myles on the cover of King Magazine:

    She still got her sexy in tact! Beautiful.

  4. RapFiend says:

    Even tho’ I would like to see Bria Myles ass in atleast one of these pics, I’ll settle for those breasts and that small waist and those big thighs. As, for Natalie…yeah…she would get it.

  5. Ken says:

    @fuzzy I dont know if she’s completely gay but I know it was a big rumor about her f-ckin Shaq and she shonuff be up on all them dudes when she be on them reality shows, and in my opinion her compared to Bria’s fine azz, THERE IS NO COMPARISON, BUT SHE’D STILL GET IT THOUGH CUZ SHE GOT AZZ!!!!

  6. fuzzybear says:


    Thanks,I really don’t know that much about her.I didn’t look her up,and she does seem to like guys more,and your right bri,thst body is the shit.

  7. ervinlang318 says:

    Bria slow down on the weight loss baby your treading into vida guerra territory..

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