Pebbelz Da Model in That’s Me Video

Pebbelz Da Model is the main focus of Sound Frontier’s That’s Me video! I’ll let you judge if that’s a good or a bad thing.

7 comments on “Pebbelz Da Model in That’s Me Video”

  1. Brah says:

    I didnt like it. She looks old.

  2. tank says:

    Holy Shit that was the dumbest, most awful shit I have heard up till this point!

    I am now dumber for having listened to that bullshit. #fml

  3. Ken says:

    Man I only listened to thirty seconds of that GARBAGE first off why is it just about every video chick thinks they can sing or rap and she can’t do NEITHER. I exposesent Nik an email asking him to expose this chick because her azz is getting bigger and bigger yet and still she’s going around telling people she was blessed with it, ITS ALL NATURAL, PLEASE like SNIPES SAID ON NEW JACK CITY, CANCEL THAT BITCH!!!!

  4. els_318 says:

    Yes Ken cancel this manufactured bitch indeed

    Watching JFK get his wig split on that crisp November day was more entertaining than this

  5. pushamayne says:

    She needs to start doing porn

  6. Monty Richmond says:

    that fake booty is only good for porn and monster COCK at that. lol@Ken Aye aye cancel the bitch only after she do some hardcore b/g though 🙂

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