7 comments on “Cherokee D’Ass Ride a Bike”

  1. Jigrimasu says:

    Ass property of Aslan.. roar

  2. BoogieMane says:

    Why did she get a tat on her ass? WHY?!

  3. Da Kid says:

    She truly is the BADDEST biznitch in the Porn industry!!! (DAYUM)

  4. miblej0 says:

    I HATE multiple tattoos on women!!!! I HATE ‘EM…I HATE ‘EM…I HATE ‘EM!!! A lady is ALWAYS better looking with fewer tattoos than she is with many tattoos. One or two tiny/elegant tattoos is the maximum any model should have. Cherokee was so fine when she first stepped on the scene. Now I must admit that I’m a little disappointed.

  5. RapFiend says:

    @ Da Kid: I agree!

  6. Hunger says:

    @BoogieMane and miblej0: I agree with you both.

  7. BigHRD2 says:

    Cherokee is sexy, riding her bike or whatever she does.

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