Amber Rose Planning a Party in a Bikini

I’m not sure what show this is from but Amber Rose is planning a party or something. Either way, she is in a bikini and she looks pretty goddamn fantastic!

8 comments on “Amber Rose Planning a Party in a Bikini”

  1. Big T says:

    Dark skin had a phatty!

  2. Fuzzybear says:

    Three bad ass females

  3. Fuzzybear says:

    I didn’t know how much of a bitch Amber could be,Serious BITCH

  4. Brothamoveson says:

    Its from the reality show running Russell Simmons. They were at his place in the Hamptons for his July 4th party.

  5. Candyboss says:

    Three hot bitches in his damn pool?!?! fuck Russel, fuck you!

  6. ASSLUVA says:

    Amber got a nice phat ass i’d smash her nice & slow

  7. Fuzzybear says:

    Why do they have Amber down as white booty,when she half black

  8. REALITY says:


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