Necro – I Wanna F*ck (Uncensored)

Any Necro fans in here? I got to admit that I liked his first album but his whole style is boring to me now. Here is his latest video (uncensored) for I Wanna F*ck featuring a bunch of nasty white women.

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6 comments on “Necro – I Wanna F*ck (Uncensored)”

  1. dark gothik says:

    wow a shitty rapper ripping off twisted sister’s i wanna rock

  2. dark gothik says:

    dude sounds just like bustsa rymes

  3. theallseeingeye says:

    This is the weakest post on bootysource EVER.

  4. t3k0 says:

    wow, it’s awful
    guys with lisps shouldn’t rap

  5. cakefeast says:

    Nigga was that Jack Napier in that video? WTF?

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