Behind the Scenes with Khrysti Hill

Found these two incredible behind the scenes shots of Khrysti Hill posing for Straight Stuntin’ magazine! Whoever was on the set that day needs to thank the heavens forever.. GODDAMN!!

Bigger dick = better confidence: Pro Extender System

Khrysti Hill toplessKhrysti Hill topless

Final product:
Khrysti Hill topless

8 comments on “Behind the Scenes with Khrysti Hill”

  1. Lizzie McVeigh says:

    Good Lord!

  2. Hunger says:



    Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyummm. I think I came on myself! She is so damn sexy!

  4. ron says:

    This is one body that deserves a good f”ing.

  5. Ucrazy says:

    so thick!

  6. SuperJack567 says:

    What everyone else said!

  7. Qstorm says:

    Straight up beautiful. Sexy.

  8. Ken says:

    Man it just ain’t right just how thick she is compared to theses other chicks she’s killing them all!!!!!!!

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